# fasthtml Module Documentation ## fasthtml.authmw - `class BasicAuthMiddleware` - `def __init__(self, app, cb, skip)` - `def __call__(self, scope, receive, send)` - `def authenticate(self, conn)` ## fasthtml.cli - `@call_parse def railway_link()` Link the current directory to the current project's Railway service - `@call_parse def railway_deploy(name, mount)` Deploy a FastHTML app to Railway ## fasthtml.components > `ft_html` and `ft_hx` functions to add some conveniences to `ft`, along with a full set of basic HTML components, and functions to work with forms and `FT` conversion - `def show(ft, *rest)` Renders FT Components into HTML within a Jupyter notebook. - `def File(fname)` Use the unescaped text in file `fname` directly - `def fill_form(form, obj)` Fills named items in `form` using attributes in `obj` - `def fill_dataclass(src, dest)` Modifies dataclass in-place and returns it - `def find_inputs(e, tags, **kw)` Recursively find all elements in `e` with `tags` and attrs matching `kw` - `def html2ft(html, attr1st)` Convert HTML to an `ft` expression - `def sse_message(elm, event)` Convert element `elm` into a format suitable for SSE streaming ## fasthtml.core > The `FastHTML` subclass of `Starlette`, along with the `RouterX` and `RouteX` classes it automatically uses. - `def parsed_date(s)` Convert `s` to a datetime - `def snake2hyphens(s)` Convert `s` from snake case to hyphenated and capitalised - `@dataclass class HtmxHeaders` - `def __bool__(self)` - `def __init__(self, boosted, current_url, history_restore_request, prompt, request, target, trigger_name, trigger)` - `@dataclass class HttpHeader` - `def __init__(self, k, v)` - `@use_kwargs_dict(**htmx_resps) def HtmxResponseHeaders(**kwargs)` HTMX response headers - `def form2dict(form)` Convert starlette form data to a dict - `def parse_form(req)` Starlette errors on empty multipart forms, so this checks for that situation - `def flat_xt(lst)` Flatten lists - `class Beforeware` - `def __init__(self, f, skip)` - `def EventStream(s)` Create a text/event-stream response from `s` - `def flat_tuple(o)` Flatten lists - `def noop_body(c, req)` Default Body wrap function which just returns the content - `def respond(req, heads, bdy)` Default FT response creation function - `class Redirect` Use HTMX or Starlette RedirectResponse as required to redirect to `loc` - `def __init__(self, loc)` - `def __response__(self, req)` - `def qp(p, **kw)` Add parameters kw to path p - `def def_hdrs(htmx, surreal)` Default headers for a FastHTML app - `class FastHTML` - `def __init__(self, debug, routes, middleware, title, exception_handlers, on_startup, on_shutdown, lifespan, hdrs, ftrs, exts, before, after, surreal, htmx, default_hdrs, sess_cls, secret_key, session_cookie, max_age, sess_path, same_site, sess_https_only, sess_domain, key_fname, body_wrap, htmlkw, nb_hdrs, **bodykw)` - `def add_route(self, route)` - `@patch def ws(self, path, conn, disconn, name, middleware)` Add a websocket route at `path` - `def nested_name(f)` Get name of function `f` using '_' to join nested function names - `@patch def route(self, path, methods, name, include_in_schema, body_wrap)` Add a route at `path` - `def serve(appname, app, host, port, reload, reload_includes, reload_excludes)` Run the app in an async server, with live reload set as the default. - `class Client` A simple httpx ASGI client that doesn't require `async` - `def __init__(self, app, url)` - `class RouteFuncs` - `def __init__(self)` - `def __setattr__(self, name, value)` - `def __getattr__(self, name)` - `def __dir__(self)` - `class APIRouter` Add routes to an app - `def __init__(self, prefix, body_wrap)` - `def __call__(self, path, methods, name, include_in_schema, body_wrap)` Add a route at `path` - `def __getattr__(self, name)` - `def to_app(self, app)` Add routes to `app` - `def ws(self, path, conn, disconn, name, middleware)` Add a websocket route at `path` - `def cookie(key, value, max_age, expires, path, domain, secure, httponly, samesite)` Create a 'set-cookie' `HttpHeader` - `@patch def static_route_exts(self, prefix, static_path, exts)` Add a static route at URL path `prefix` with files from `static_path` and `exts` defined by `reg_re_param()` - `@patch def static_route(self, ext, prefix, static_path)` Add a static route at URL path `prefix` with files from `static_path` and single `ext` (including the '.') - `class MiddlewareBase` - `def __call__(self, scope, receive, send)` - `class FtResponse` Wrap an FT response with any Starlette `Response` - `def __init__(self, content, status_code, headers, cls, media_type)` - `def __response__(self, req)` ## fasthtml.fastapp > The `fast_app` convenience wrapper - `def fast_app(db_file, render, hdrs, ftrs, tbls, before, middleware, live, debug, routes, exception_handlers, on_startup, on_shutdown, lifespan, default_hdrs, pico, surreal, htmx, exts, secret_key, key_fname, session_cookie, max_age, sess_path, same_site, sess_https_only, sess_domain, htmlkw, bodykw, reload_attempts, reload_interval, static_path, body_wrap, nb_hdrs, **kwargs)` Create a FastHTML or FastHTMLWithLiveReload app. ## fasthtml.js > Basic external Javascript lib wrappers - `def light_media(css)` Render light media for day mode views - `def dark_media(css)` Render dark media for night mode views - `def MarkdownJS(sel)` Implements browser-based markdown rendering. - `def HighlightJS(sel, langs, light, dark)` Implements browser-based syntax highlighting. Usage example [here](/tutorials/quickstart_for_web_devs.html#code-highlighting). - `def MermaidJS(sel, theme)` Implements browser-based Mermaid diagram rendering. ## fasthtml.jupyter > Use FastHTML in Jupyter notebooks - `def nb_serve(app, log_level, port, host, **kwargs)` Start a Jupyter compatible uvicorn server with ASGI `app` on `port` with `log_level` - `def nb_serve_async(app, log_level, port, host, **kwargs)` Async version of `nb_serve` - `def is_port_free(port, host)` Check if `port` is free on `host` - `def wait_port_free(port, host, max_wait)` Wait for `port` to be free on `host` - `class JupyUvi` Start and stop a Jupyter compatible uvicorn server with ASGI `app` on `port` with `log_level` - `def __init__(self, app, log_level, host, port, start, **kwargs)` - `def start(self)` - `def stop(self)` - `class JupyUviAsync` Start and stop an async Jupyter compatible uvicorn server with ASGI `app` on `port` with `log_level` - `def __init__(self, app, log_level, host, port, **kwargs)` - `def start(self)` - `def stop(self)` - `def HTMX(path, app, host, port, height, link, iframe)` An iframe which displays the HTMX application in a notebook. ## fasthtml.live_reload - `class FastHTMLWithLiveReload` `FastHTMLWithLiveReload` enables live reloading. This means that any code changes saved on the server will automatically trigger a reload of both the server and browser window. How does it work? - a websocket is created at `/live-reload` - a small js snippet `LIVE_RELOAD_SCRIPT` is injected into each webpage - this snippet connects to the websocket at `/live-reload` and listens for an `onclose` event - when the `onclose` event is detected the browser is reloaded Why do we listen for an `onclose` event? When code changes are saved the server automatically reloads if the --reload flag is set. The server reload kills the websocket connection. The `onclose` event serves as a proxy for "developer has saved some changes". Usage >>> from fasthtml.common import * >>> app = FastHTMLWithLiveReload() Run: serve() - `def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)` ## fasthtml.oauth > Basic scaffolding for handling OAuth - `class GoogleAppClient` A `WebApplicationClient` for Google oauth2 - `def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, code, scope, **kwargs)` - `@classmethod def from_file(cls, fname, code, scope, **kwargs)` - `class GitHubAppClient` A `WebApplicationClient` for GitHub oauth2 - `def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, code, scope, **kwargs)` - `class HuggingFaceClient` A `WebApplicationClient` for HuggingFace oauth2 - `def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, code, scope, state, **kwargs)` - `class DiscordAppClient` A `WebApplicationClient` for Discord oauth2 - `def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, is_user, perms, scope, **kwargs)` - `def login_link(self)` - `def parse_response(self, code)` - `class Auth0AppClient` A `WebApplicationClient` for Auth0 OAuth2 - `def __init__(self, domain, client_id, client_secret, code, scope, redirect_uri, **kwargs)` - `def login_link(self, req)` - `@patch def login_link(self, redirect_uri, scope, state)` Get a login link for this client - `def redir_url(request, redir_path, scheme)` Get the redir url for the host in `request` - `@patch def parse_response(self, code, redirect_uri)` Get the token from the oauth2 server response - `@patch def get_info(self, token)` Get the info for authenticated user - `@patch def retr_info(self, code, redirect_uri)` Combines `parse_response` and `get_info` - `@patch def retr_id(self, code, redirect_uri)` Call `retr_info` and then return id/subscriber value - `class OAuth` - `def __init__(self, app, cli, skip, redir_path, error_path, logout_path, login_path, https, http_patterns)` - `def redir_login(self, session)` - `def redir_url(self, req)` - `def login_link(self, req, scope, state)` - `def check_invalid(self, req, session, auth)` - `def logout(self, session)` - `def get_auth(self, info, ident, session, state)` ## fasthtml.pico > Basic components for generating Pico CSS tags - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def Card(*c, **kwargs)` A PicoCSS Card, implemented as an Article with optional Header and Footer - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def Group(*c, **kwargs)` A PicoCSS Group, implemented as a Fieldset with role 'group' - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def Search(*c, **kwargs)` A PicoCSS Search, implemented as a Form with role 'search' - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def Grid(*c, **kwargs)` A PicoCSS Grid, implemented as child Divs in a Div with class 'grid' - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def DialogX(*c, **kwargs)` A PicoCSS Dialog, with children inside a Card - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def Container(*args, **kwargs)` A PicoCSS Container, implemented as a Main with class 'container' ## fasthtml.svg > Simple SVG FT elements - `def Svg(*args, **kwargs)` An SVG tag; xmlns is added automatically, and viewBox defaults to height and width if not provided - `@delegates(ft_hx) def ft_svg(tag, *c, **kwargs)` Create a standard `FT` element with some SVG-specific attrs - `@delegates(ft_svg) def Rect(width, height, x, y, fill, stroke, stroke_width, rx, ry, **kwargs)` A standard SVG `rect` element - `@delegates(ft_svg) def Circle(r, cx, cy, fill, stroke, stroke_width, **kwargs)` A standard SVG `circle` element - `@delegates(ft_svg) def Ellipse(rx, ry, cx, cy, fill, stroke, stroke_width, **kwargs)` A standard SVG `ellipse` element - `def transformd(translate, scale, rotate, skewX, skewY, matrix)` Create an SVG `transform` kwarg dict - `@delegates(ft_svg) def Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, stroke, w, stroke_width, **kwargs)` A standard SVG `line` element - `@delegates(ft_svg) def Polyline(*args, **kwargs)` A standard SVG `polyline` element - `@delegates(ft_svg) def Polygon(*args, **kwargs)` A standard SVG `polygon` element - `@delegates(ft_svg) def Text(*args, **kwargs)` A standard SVG `text` element - `class PathFT` - `def M(self, x, y)` Move to. - `def L(self, x, y)` Line to. - `def H(self, x)` Horizontal line to. - `def V(self, y)` Vertical line to. - `def Z(self)` Close path. - `def C(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y)` Cubic Bézier curve. - `def S(self, x2, y2, x, y)` Smooth cubic Bézier curve. - `def Q(self, x1, y1, x, y)` Quadratic Bézier curve. - `def T(self, x, y)` Smooth quadratic Bézier curve. - `def A(self, rx, ry, x_axis_rotation, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, x, y)` Elliptical Arc. - `def SvgOob(*args, **kwargs)` Wraps an SVG shape as required for an HTMX OOB swap - `def SvgInb(*args, **kwargs)` Wraps an SVG shape as required for an HTMX inband swap ## fasthtml.xtend > Simple extensions to standard HTML components, such as adding sensible defaults - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def A(*c, **kwargs)` An A tag; `href` defaults to '#' for more concise use with HTMX - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def AX(txt, hx_get, target_id, hx_swap, href, **kwargs)` An A tag with just one text child, allowing hx_get, target_id, and hx_swap to be positional params - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def Form(*c, **kwargs)` A Form tag; identical to plain `ft_hx` version except default `enctype='multipart/form-data'` - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def Hidden(value, id, **kwargs)` An Input of type 'hidden' - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def CheckboxX(checked, label, value, id, name, **kwargs)` A Checkbox optionally inside a Label, preceded by a `Hidden` with matching name - `@delegates(ft_html, keep=True) def Script(code, **kwargs)` A Script tag that doesn't escape its code - `@delegates(ft_html, keep=True) def Style(*c, **kwargs)` A Style tag that doesn't escape its code - `def double_braces(s)` Convert single braces to double braces if next to special chars or newline - `def undouble_braces(s)` Convert double braces to single braces if next to special chars or newline - `def loose_format(s, **kw)` String format `s` using `kw`, without being strict about braces outside of template params - `def ScriptX(fname, src, nomodule, type, _async, defer, charset, crossorigin, integrity, **kw)` A `script` element with contents read from `fname` - `def replace_css_vars(css, pre, **kwargs)` Replace `var(--)` CSS variables with `kwargs` if name prefix matches `pre` - `def StyleX(fname, **kw)` A `style` element with contents read from `fname` and variables replaced from `kw` - `def Nbsp()` A non-breaking space - `def Surreal(code)` Wrap `code` in `domReadyExecute` and set `m=me()` and `p=me('-')` - `def On(code, event, sel, me)` An async surreal.js script block event handler for `event` on selector `sel,p`, making available parent `p`, event `ev`, and target `e` - `def Prev(code, event)` An async surreal.js script block event handler for `event` on previous sibling, with same vars as `On` - `def Now(code, sel)` An async surreal.js script block on selector `me(sel)` - `def AnyNow(sel, code)` An async surreal.js script block on selector `any(sel)` - `def run_js(js, id, **kw)` Run `js` script, auto-generating `id` based on name of caller if needed, and js-escaping any `kw` params - `def jsd(org, repo, root, path, prov, typ, ver, esm, **kwargs)` jsdelivr `Script` or CSS `Link` tag, or URL - `@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True) def Titled(title, *args, **kwargs)` An HTML partial containing a `Title`, and `H1`, and any provided children - `def Socials(title, site_name, description, image, url, w, h, twitter_site, creator, card)` OG and Twitter social card headers - `def Favicon(light_icon, dark_icon)` Light and dark favicon headers