import time
from IPython import display
from enum import Enum
from pprint import pprint
from fastcore.test import *
from starlette.testclient import TestClient
from starlette.requests import Headers
from starlette.datastructures import UploadFile
subclass of Starlette
, along with the RouterX
and RouteX
classes it automatically uses.
This is the source code to fasthtml. You won’t need to read this unless you want to understand how things are built behind the scenes, or need full details of a particular API. The notebook is converted to the Python module fasthtml/ using nbdev.
Imports and utils
We write source code first, and then tests come after. The tests serve as both a means to confirm that the code works and also serves as working examples. The first declared function, date
, is an example of this pattern.
date (s:str)
Convert s
to a datetime
'2pm') date(
datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 7, 14, 0)
snake2hyphens (s:str)
Convert s
from snake case to hyphenated and capitalised
"snake_case") snake2hyphens(
HtmxHeaders (boosted:str|None=None, current_url:str|None=None, history_restore_request:str|None=None, prompt:str|None=None, request:str|None=None, target:str|None=None, trigger_name:str|None=None, trigger:str|None=None)
def test_request(url: str='/', headers: dict={}, method: str='get') -> Request:
= {
scope 'type': 'http',
'method': method,
'path': url,
'headers': Headers(headers).raw,
'query_string': b'',
'scheme': 'http',
'client': ('', 8000),
'server': ('', 8000),
}= lambda: {"body": b"", "more_body": False}
receive return Request(scope, receive)
= test_request(headers=Headers({'HX-Request':'1'}))
h _get_htmx(h.headers)
HtmxHeaders(boosted=None, current_url=None, history_restore_request=None, prompt=None, request='1', target=None, trigger_name=None, trigger=None)
str2int (s)
Convert s
to an int
'1'),str2int('none') str2int(
(1, 0)
Request and response
str,None])('a'), 'a')
test_eq(_fix_anno(Union[float)(0.9), 0.9)
test_eq(_fix_anno(int)('1'), 1)
test_eq(_fix_anno(int)(['1','2']), 2)
test_eq(_fix_anno(list[int])(['1','2']), [1,2])
test_eq(_fix_anno(list[int])('1'), [1]) test_eq(_fix_anno(
= dict(k=int, l=List[int])
d 'k', "1", d), 1)
test_eq(_form_arg('l', "1", d), [1])
test_eq(_form_arg('l', ["1","2"], d), [1,2]) test_eq(_form_arg(
HttpHeader (k:str, v:str)
'trigger_after_settle') _to_htmx_header(
HtmxResponseHeaders (location=None, push_url=None, redirect=None, refresh=None, replace_url=None, reswap=None, retarget=None, reselect=None, trigger=None, trigger_after_settle=None, trigger_after_swap=None)
HTMX response headers
='hi') HtmxResponseHeaders(trigger_after_settle
HttpHeader(k='HX-Trigger-After-Settle', v='hi')
form2dict (form:starlette.datastructures.FormData)
Convert starlette form data to a dict
= [('a',1),('a',2),('b',0)]
d = FormData(d)
fd = form2dict(fd)
res 'a'], [1,2])
test_eq(res['b'], 0) test_eq(res[
async def f(req):
def _f(p:HttpHeader): ...
= first(_sig(_f).parameters.values())
p = await _from_body(req, p)
result return JSONResponse(result.__dict__)
= Starlette(routes=[Route('/', f, methods=['POST'])])
app = TestClient(app)
= dict(k='value1',v=['value2','value3'])
d ='/', data=d)
response print(response.json())
{'k': 'value1', 'v': 'value3'}
def g(req, this:Starlette, a:str, b:HttpHeader): ...
async def f(req):
= await _wrap_req(req, _sig(g).parameters)
a return Response(str(a))
= Starlette(routes=[Route('/', f, methods=['POST'])])
app = TestClient(app)
='/?a=1', data=d)
response print(response.text)
[<starlette.requests.Request object>, <starlette.applications.Starlette object>, '1', HttpHeader(k='value1', v='value3')]
flat_xt (lst)
Flatten lists
= ft('a',1)
x *4)
test_eq(flat_xt([x, x, [x,x]]), [x] test_eq(flat_xt(x), [x])
Beforeware (f, skip=None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Websockets / SSE
def on_receive(self, msg:str): return f"Message text was: {msg}"
= _ws_endp(on_receive)
c = Starlette(routes=[WebSocketRoute('/', _ws_endp(on_receive))])
= TestClient(app)
cli with cli.websocket_connect('/') as ws:
ws.send_text(= ws.receive_text()
data assert data == 'Message text was: Hi!'
EventStream (s)
Create a text/event-stream response from s
signal_shutdown ()
Routing and application
WS_RouteX (app, path:str, recv, conn:<built-infunctioncallable>=None, disconn:<built-infunctioncallable>=None, name=None, middleware=None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
uri (_arg, **kwargs)
decode_uri (s)
StringConvertor.to_string (value:str)
HTTPConnection.url_path_for (name:str, **path_params)
flat_tuple (o)
Flatten lists
Redirect (loc)
Use HTMX or Starlette RedirectResponse as required to redirect to loc
RouteX (app, path:str, endpoint, methods=None, name=None, include_in_schema=True, middleware=None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
RouterX (app, routes=None, redirect_slashes=True, default=None, middleware=None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
get_key (key=None, fname='.sesskey')
FastHTML (debug=False, routes=None, middleware=None, exception_handlers=None, on_startup=None, on_shutdown=None, lifespan=None, hdrs=None, ftrs=None, before=None, after=None, ws_hdr=False, ct_hdr=False, surreal=True, htmx=True, default_hdrs=True, sess_cls=<class 'starlette.middleware.sessions.SessionMiddleware'>, secret_key=None, session_cookie='session_', max_age=31536000, sess_path='/', same_site='lax', sess_https_only=False, sess_domain=None, key_fname='.sesskey', htmlkw=None, **bodykw)
*Creates an application instance.
- debug - Boolean indicating if debug tracebacks should be returned on errors.
- routes - A list of routes to serve incoming HTTP and WebSocket requests.
- middleware - A list of middleware to run for every request. A starlette application will always automatically include two middleware classes.
is added as the very outermost middleware, to handle any uncaught errors occurring anywhere in the entire stack.ExceptionMiddleware
is added as the very innermost middleware, to deal with handled exception cases occurring in the routing or endpoints. - exception_handlers - A mapping of either integer status codes, or exception class types onto callables which handle the exceptions. Exception handler callables should be of the form
handler(request, exc) -> response
and may be either standard functions, or async functions. - on_startup - A list of callables to run on application startup. Startup handler callables do not take any arguments, and may be either standard functions, or async functions.
- on_shutdown - A list of callables to run on application shutdown. Shutdown handler callables do not take any arguments, and may be either standard functions, or async functions.
- lifespan - A lifespan context function, which can be used to perform startup and shutdown tasks. This is a newer style that replaces the
handlers. Use one or the other, not both.*
FastHTML.route (path:str=None, methods=None, name=None, include_in_schema=True)
Add a route at path
serve (appname=None, app='app', host='', port=None, reload=True, reload_includes:list[str]|str|None=None, reload_excludes:list[str]|str|None=None)
Run the app in an async server, with live reload set as the default.
Type | Default | Details | |
appname | NoneType | None | Name of the module |
app | str | app | App instance to be served |
host | str | | If host is will convert to localhost |
port | NoneType | None | If port is None it will default to 5001 or the PORT environment variable |
reload | bool | True | Default is to reload the app upon code changes |
reload_includes | list[str] | str | None | None | Additional files to watch for changes |
reload_excludes | list[str] | str | None | None | Files to ignore for changes |
reg_re_param (m, s)
FastHTML.static_route_exts (prefix='/', static_path='.', exts='static')
Add a static route at URL path prefix
with files from static_path
and exts
defined by reg_re_param()
FastHTML.static_route (ext='', prefix='/', static_path='.')
Add a static route at URL path prefix
with files from static_path
and single ext
(including the ‘.’)
MiddlewareBase ()
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Client (app, url='http://testserver')
An httpx ASGI client that doesn’t require async
Note that you can also use Starlette’s TestClient
instead of FastHTML’s Client
. They should be largely interchangable.
def get_cli(app): return app,Client(app),app.route
= get_cli(FastHTML(secret_key='soopersecret')) app,cli,rt
def get(): return 'Hi there'
= cli.get('/hi')
r r.text
'Hi there'
def post(): return 'Postal'
def show_host(req): return req.headers['host']
'/hostie').text cli.get(
def yoyo(): return 'a yoyo'
'a yoyo'
def autopost(): return Html(Div('Text.', hx_post=yoyo()))
<!doctype html>
<div hx-post="a yoyo">Text.</div>
def autopost2(): return Html(Body(Div('Text.', cls='px-2', hx_post=show_host.rt(a='b'))))
<!doctype html>
<div class="px-2" hx-post="/hostie?a=b">Text.</div>
def autoget2(): return Html(Div('Text.', hx_get=show_host))
<!doctype html>
<div hx-get="/hostie">Text.</div>
@rt('/user/{nm}', name='gday')
def get(nm:str=''): return f"Good day to you, {nm}!"
'/user/Alexis').text cli.get(
'Good day to you, Alexis!'
def autolink(): return Html(Div('Text.', link=uri('gday', nm='Alexis')))
<!doctype html>
<div href="/user/Alexis">Text.</div>
def get(req): return f"{req.url_for('gday', nm='Alexis')}; {req.url_for('show_host')}"
'/link').text cli.get(
'http://testserver/user/Alexis; http://testserver/hostie'
'gday', nm='Jeremy'), '/user/Jeremy') test_eq(app.router.url_path_for(
= {'headers':{'hx-request':"1"}}
def get(): return Title('Foo'),H1('bar')
= cli.get('/ft').text
txt assert '<title>Foo</title>' in txt and '<h1>bar</h1>' in txt and '<html>' in txt
def get(): return H1('bar')
= cli.get('/xt2').text
txt assert '<title>FastHTML page</title>' in txt and '<h1>bar</h1>' in txt and '<html>' in txt
assert cli.get('/xt2', **hxhdr).text.strip() == '<h1>bar</h1>'
def get(): return Html(Head(Title('hi')), Body(P('there')))
= cli.get('/xt3').text
txt assert '<title>FastHTML page</title>' not in txt and '<title>hi</title>' in txt and '<p>there</p>' in txt
def get(nope): return nope
lambda: cli.get('/oops?nope=1')) test_warns(
def test_r(cli, path, exp, meth='get', hx=False, **kwargs):
if hx: kwargs['headers'] = {'hx-request':"1"}
getattr(cli, meth)(path, **kwargs).text, exp)
= 'foo'
app.chk = str_enum('ModelName', "alexnet", "resnet", "lenet")
ModelName = [{"name": "Foo"}, {"name": "Bar"}] fake_db
async def get(idx:int): return Body(H4(f'Next is {idx+1}.'))
"imgext", "ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|webm")
def get(fn:str, path:str, ext:str): return f"Getting {fn}.{ext} from /{path}"
def get(nm:ModelName): return nm
async def get(path: Path): return path.with_suffix('.txt')
def get(idx:int|None = 0): return fake_db[idx]
= cli.get('/html/1', headers={'hx-request':"1"})
r assert '<h4>Next is 2.</h4>' in r.text
'/static/foo/jph.ico', 'Getting jph.ico from /foo/')
test_r(cli, '/models/alexnet', 'alexnet')
test_r(cli, '/files/foo', 'foo.txt')
test_r(cli, '/items/?idx=1', '{"name":"Bar"}')
test_r(cli, '/items/', '{"name":"Foo"}')
test_r(cli, assert cli.get('/items/?idx=g').text=='404 Not Found'
assert cli.get('/items/?idx=g').status_code == 404
def _(coming:bool=True): return 'Coming' if coming else 'Not coming'
def _(d:date): return d
async def _(user_agent:str): return user_agent
def _(htmx): return htmx.request
def _(foo:HtmxHeaders, req): return foo.request
def _(app): return app.chk
def _(foo:FastHTML): return foo.chk,HttpHeader("mykey", "myval")
def _(foo:FastHTML): return HtmxResponseHeaders(location="")
def _(foo:FastHTML): return Redirect("")
'/booly/?coming=true', 'Coming')
test_r(cli, '/booly/?coming=no', 'Not coming')
test_r(cli, = "17th of May, 2024, 2p"
date_str f'/datie/?d={date_str}', '2024-05-17 14:00:00')
test_r(cli, '/ua', 'FastHTML', headers={'User-Agent':'FastHTML'})
test_r(cli, '/hxtest' , '1', headers={'HX-Request':'1'})
test_r(cli, '/hxtest2', '1', headers={'HX-Request':'1'})
test_r(cli, '/app' , 'foo') test_r(cli,
= cli.get('/app2', **hxhdr)
r 'foo\n')
test_eq(r.text, 'mykey'], 'myval') test_eq(r.headers[
= cli.get('/app3')
r 'HX-Location'], '') test_eq(r.headers[
= cli.get('/app4', follow_redirects=False)
r 303) test_eq(r.status_code,
= cli.get('/app4', headers={'HX-Request':'1'})
r 'HX-Redirect'], '') test_eq(r.headers[
def meta():
return ((Title('hi'),H1('hi')),
property='image'), Meta(property='site_name'))
t assert'<body>\s*<h1>hi</h1>\s*</body>', t)
assert '<meta' in t'/profile/me')
def profile_update(username: str): return username
'/profile/me', 'Alexis', 'post', data={'username' : 'Alexis'})
test_r(cli, '/profile/me', 'Missing required field: username', 'post', data={}) test_r(cli,
# Example post request with parameter that has a default value'/pet/dog')
def pet_dog(dogname: str = None): return dogname
# Working post request with optional parameter
'/pet/dog', '', 'post', data={}) test_r(cli,
class Bodie: a:int;b:str
def post(nm:str, data:Bodie):
= asdict(data)
res 'nm'] = nm
res[return res"/bodied/")
def bodied(data:dict): return data
= namedtuple('Bodient', ['a','b'])
def bodient(data:nt): return asdict(data)
class BodieTD(TypedDict): a:int;b:str='foo'"/bodietd/")
def bodient(data:BodieTD): return data
class Bodie2:
int|None; b:str
a:def __init__(self, a, b='foo'): store_attr()"/bodie2/")
def bodie(d:Bodie2): return f"a: {d.a}; b: {d.b}"
from fasthtml.xtend import Titled
# Testing POST with Content-Type: application/json"/")
def index(it: Bodie): return Titled("It worked!", P(f"{it.a}, {it.b}"))
= json.dumps({"b": "Lorem", "a": 15})
s ='/', headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, data=s).text
response assert "<title>It worked!</title>" in response and "<p>15, Lorem</p>" in response
# Testing POST with Content-Type: application/json"/bodytext")
def index(body): return body
='/bodytext', headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, data=s).text
response '{"b": "Lorem", "a": 15}') test_eq(response,
= dict(a=1, b='foo')
'/bodie/me', '{"a":1,"b":"foo","nm":"me"}', 'post', data=dict(a=1, b='foo', nm='me'))
test_r(cli, '/bodied/', '{"a":"1","b":"foo"}', 'post', data=d)
test_r(cli, '/bodie2/', 'a: 1; b: foo', 'post', data={'a':1})
test_r(cli, '/bodient/', '{"a":"1","b":"foo"}', 'post', data=d)
test_r(cli, '/bodietd/', '{"a":1,"b":"foo"}', 'post', data=d) test_r(cli,
def get(req): return cookie('now',
def get(now:date): return f'Cookie was set at time {now.time()}'
time.sleep('/getcookie').text cli.get(
'Cookie was set at time 16:51:39.109110'
def get(sess, foo:str=''):
now 'auth'] = str(now)
sess[return f'Set to {now}'
def get(sess): return f'Session time: {sess["auth"]}'
'/getsess').text cli.get(
Set to 2024-09-07 16:51:39.146579
'Session time: 2024-09-07 16:51:39.146579'
def post(sess, name: str):
"name"] = name
sess[return str(sess)
'/sess-first', data={'name': 2})
def get(sess): return sess['name']
'/getsess-all').text, '2') test_eq(cli.get(
async def post(uf:UploadFile): return (await
with open('../../', 'rb') as f:
print('/upload', files={'uf':f}, data={'msg':'Hello'}).text[:15])
# Release notes
'.md', static_path='../..')
app.static_route(assert 'THIS FILE WAS AUTOGENERATED' in cli.get('/').text
app.static_route_exts()assert 'These are the source notebooks for FastHTML' in cli.get('/README.txt').text
def options(list_id: str):
= {
headers 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'POST',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*',
}return Response(status_code=200, headers=headers)
= cli.options('/form-submit/2').headers
h 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'], 'POST') test_eq(h[
from fasthtml.authmw import user_pwd_auth
def _not_found(req, exc): return Div('nope')
= get_cli(FastHTML(exception_handlers={404:_not_found}))
= cli.get('/').text
txt assert '<div>nope</div>' in txt
assert '<!doctype html>' in txt
= get_cli(FastHTML())
def get(name: str, age: int):
return Titled(f"Hello {name.title()}, age {age}")
assert '<title>Hello Uma, age 5</title>' in cli.get('/uma/5').text
assert '404 Not Found' in cli.get('/uma/five').text
= user_pwd_auth(testuser='spycraft')
auth = get_cli(FastHTML(middleware=[auth]))
def get(auth): return 'Hello, ' + auth
'/locked').text, 'not authenticated')
test_eq(cli.get('/locked', auth=("testuser","spycraft")).text, 'Hello, testuser') test_eq(cli.get(
= user_pwd_auth(testuser='spycraft')
auth = get_cli(FastHTML(middleware=[auth]))
def get(auth): return 'Hello, ' + auth
'/locked').text, 'not authenticated')
test_eq(cli.get('/locked', auth=("testuser","spycraft")).text, 'Hello, testuser') test_eq(cli.get(